If your weekends are like mine, they are packed full of family time, fun and lots of laughter! Most people look at Monday and get the blah's. 😞 I challenge you to look at your weekend and see how much you got done and celebrate it! Keep the excitement rolling into Monday. Why not?🤷♂️ What’s not to be excited about? Monday's are a fresh start to the week! New "to do" list, new goals, new plans for next weekend! YAY!☺
Not sure how to make this change of mind set? Here are some tips:
1. Think about everything you accomplished in the past week, not matter how big or small, all accomplishments are victories! Working hard takes a lot of dedication and you deserve to pat yourself on the back. Believe in yourself! This is for you!
2. Plan your week before your week plans you! I have a wall calendar that my whole family has used for many years! With 6 of us...now 13...there are lots of things going on and you don't want to drop the ball, so WRITE IT DOWN! That way you can see it, visualize it, accept it into your week, and execute! That alone is an accomplishment!
3. Accept that it's okay if things go off schedule. Life happens and other people's plans collide with yours. Decide when planning your that it's okay for those things, welcome them and then get right back on course!
4. At first this is going to be hard. You may feel a bit tired or overwhelmed the first week setting this new strategy for your week. Tired is okay. Tired is nothing a cup of coffee can’t solve. Once you get started on your Monday, you will feel energized again.
5. Stay focused and enjoy your journey. The journey is part of the fun. You will look back on this time and be amazed with what you put yourself through and what you were able to take on. You are learning a tremendous amount about life, others and yourself.
OK! Now take the first step! This is the day! Taken action! You are well on your way to success. Each day is about progress. Know exactly what you want to get accomplished this Monday, this week, this weekend! Be Proud...Be Confident...And Execute!!! You got this!!!